Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug. 30-Sept. 3 Happenings

Middle School Band

5th Grade Band


  • Continue and Finish Instrument Demos
  • Perform Percussion Demos
  • Design Lesson Schedule for Beginners

  1. Demo Process
    1. Break into groups of 5
    2. Play through different mouthpieces and give some rhythm tests to possible percussionists
    3. Rental night Sept. 9th

6th Grade Band


  • Finish and Explain Lesson Schedule/Expectations
  • Distribute Music and Begin Reading

  1. Warm-Up
    1. Begin with EE scales Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, Number 1, 2, 3
    2. Chromatic Scale Beginning on Concert Bb in Eighth Notes

  1. Distribute Music/Rehearse
    1. Distribute Selected Concert Music and Begin Sight-Reading
      1. Strive to play through the entire piece without stopping
    2. Distribute other pieces and read through as time allows

7/8th Grade Band


  • Finish and Explain Lesson Schedule/Expectations
  • Refresh Scale Transpositions
  • Distribute Music and Read Through

  1. Warm-Up
    1. Refresh on the transposition process for the given instruments
    2. Play through Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, G, C, and Chromatic Scales
    3. Discuss tuning
  2. Rehearse
    1. Copper Mountain Legend
      1. Finish Reading Through Pieces
      2. Begin Rehearsing Unison Rhythms
      3. Break Song Into Sections
    2. Faculty Vs. Band The Final Conflict
      1. Read Through 1812 Overture Section
        1. Identify Unison Parts
        2. Work For Pitch Accuracy
      2. Play Through Entire Piece
  3. Possibly Distribute More Music
High School Band


  • Begin Lessons
  • Perform Chair-Placement Auditions
  • Finalize T-Shirt Design/Place Order
  • Rehearse Pep-Band and Parade Music
  • Rehearse Drum Line/Parade Marching
  • First Home Game/Labor Day Parade
  1. Warm-Up
    1. Play through All Concert and Chromatic Scales
      1. Major Scales in 3rds
      2. Natural Minor Scales (Refresh Transpositions as Needed)
  1. Rehearse Music
  1. Build Me Up Buttercup
    1. Work through in sections with entire band
    2. Rehearse Sections as Needed
  2. Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
    1. Read Through
  3. Proud Mary
    1. Read Through
  4. Crunch Time
    1. Read Through
  5. Barbara Ann
    1. Read Through
  6. Born To Be Wild
    1. Read Through
  7. Celebration
    1. Read Through
  8. School Song
    1. Read Through With and Without the Roll-Off
  9. Star-Spangled Banner
    1. Work on Tempo, Phrasing, and Balance
  10. You’re A Grand Old Flag
    1. Read Through Marking Time with Horns Up and Horns Down
  1. Marching Rehearsal
    1. Explain Marching Style with Roll Step
    2. Posture
    3. Horn Carriage
    4. Horns Up and Down
    5. Cornering
    6. Commands

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aug. 23-27 Happenings

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Remember your chair-placement auditions will take place next week during your regularly scheduled band lesson so please come prepared and well practiced.

Middle School Bands

5th Grade Band


  • Discuss audition groups and times with Mrs. H.
  • Welcome Students
  • Explain Instrument Demo Process
  • Discuss Rental Night
  • Begin Demos in Groups
  1. Welcome to 5th Grade and Band
    1. Keep an open mind
    2. May not play what your first choice is
    3. Stick it out at least through Christmas Break
  2. Demo Process
    1. Break into groups of 5
    2. Play through different mouthpieces and give some rhythm tests to possible percussionists
    3. Rental night

6th Grade Band


  • Welcome Students
  • Explain Expectations
  • Explain Classroom Rules/Grading
  • Set Goals
  • Begin Playing
  1. Welcome Back!
    1. Glad to have you here
    2. Recruit others
  2. Expectations
    1. Practice for lessons and band
    2. Be on time
    3. Come prepared with all materials
    4. Be respectful of teacher, students, and materials
  3. Rules/Grading
    1. Do not talk or play while teacher is talking
    2. Raise your hand
    3. Keep the room clean
    4. Grade is made of lessons, performances, and participation
  4. Set Goals
    1. Play through scales
    2. Improve solos over last year
  5. Play
    1. Begin with EE scales Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, and Chromatic
    2. Distribute music and begin reading

7/8th Grade Band


  • Refresh scale transpositions
  • Distribute music to read through
  • Begin Playing
  1. Warm-Up
    1. Refresh on the transposition process for the given instruments
    2. Play through Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, G, and Chromatic Scales
    3. Discuss tuning
  2. Distribute Music
    1. Hand out one piece at a time (Remind Students to Take Care of Music)
  3. Read Through Pieces
    1. Sight-Read through pieces after handing them out
    2. After sight-reading is complete begin working on select areas as needed
High School Band


  • Students Sign-Up for Lesson Times
  • Distribute Chair-Placement Materials
  • Discuss T-Shirt Design
  • Rehearse Pep-Band and Parade Music
  1. Warm-Up
    1. Play through Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, G, D, A, and Chromatic Scales (Refresh Transpositions as Needed)
    2. Play one or two scales in a thrids pattern
  1. Distribute/Discuss
    1. Send around Lesson Schedule, Students write in desired time with lessons beginning next week
    2. Distribute Chair-Placement packets and discuss the process. Auditions will take place during their first lesson
    3. Prompt discussion for this year’s Band T-Shirt
  1. Rehearse Music
  1. Star-Spangled Banner
    1. Play through working on middle section and balance between parts
  2. School Song
    1. Work for proper tempo and balance
  3. Celebration
    1. Distribute parts as needed
    2. Read through and work areas as needed
  4. Barbara Ann
    1. Distribute parts as needed
    2. Read through and work areas as needed
  5. Proud Mary
    1. Distribute parts as needed
    2. Read through and work areas as needed
  6. Possibly Distribute Other Pieces (Gonna Make You Sweat, Don’t Worry Be Happy, Crunch Time, Born to be Wild)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Aug. 16-20 Happenings

Welcome back to all students as school is about to begin! I hope to see you all at the building Open Houses this week Tuesday evening in Terril and Wednesday in Graettinger. Students please remember to bring your instruments and lesson books with you to school on the first day and I would also recommend that you practice a bit before Thursday.

List of Events for Week 1:

  • Welcome students back
  • Cover all classroom procedures, expectations, and performance dates
  • Assign instrument storage spots
  • Distribute folders
  • Begin instrument demos for 5th Grade
  • Begin designing Band T-Shirt
  • Work on lesson schedule
  • And of course......PLAY MUSIC
I look forward to seeing you all again, and I would like to remind any student that is using a school instrument that there will now be a $25 rental fee for the year to be paid to the school once school begins.

Mr. Pedersen