5th Band
- Continue Individual lessons
- Hold sectional rehearsals during full band time
- Push students to move to page 6 and 7
- Begin teaching note reading and staff identification
- Reinforce practice requirements
Woodwind Sectional:
- Check reed/mouthpiece setup for saxes and clarinets
- Discuss Posture, Breathing, Articulation, and Toe Tapping
- Continue playing exercises from Essential Elements and assign for next rehearsal
- Demonstrate proper cleaning of the instruments
Brass Sectional:
- Reinforce proper holding of instrument and hand/finger placement
- Discuss Posture, Breathing, Articulation, and Toe Tapping
- Continue playing exercises from Essential Elements and assign for next rehearsal
- Demonstrate oiling valves and trombone slide care
Percussion Sectional:
- Refresh proper stick and mallet grip
- Continue playing exercises from Essential Elements and assign for next rehearsal
- Begin looking and playing from the mallet side of the book
- Toe Tapping
6th Band
- Continue reading concert music, and distribute Christmas Songs
- Begin full performances of select pieces
- Continue rehearsing major scales and Chromatic
- Play through EE Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, and 2
- Work articulations on number 2 and push tempos
- Quiz students over key signatures
- Play Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Apollo March
- Reinforce counting on dotted quarter-eighth note rhythms
- Reinforce tied/slurred quarter note eighth note sections
- Work percussion on the off-beat sections between bass drum and snare
- Refresh students on the CODA and Perform full runs
- The Sound and the Fury
- Attempt a full read through
- Work with percussion on the section with congas
- Work with clarinets on tied rhythms
- Work with saxes on keeping their part moving forward
- Variations on a French Carol
- Work with trumpets on their melody
- Begin rehearsing in sections
- Christmas Decorations
- Identify the different tunes throughout the piece
- Begin rehearsing in sections
7/8th Band
- Continue scale rehearsal
- Rehearse Winter Concert Music
- Possibly distribute new pieces to read
- Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, and G
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
- Play Chromatic Scale
- Tune
Music Rehearsal:
- Copper Mountain Legend
- Work with trumpets on their melody sections
- Work unison rhythm beginning in measure 5
- Work syncopated rhythms in low brass and alto sax
- Attempt a full run
- A Still, Silent Night
- Begin discussing proper balance and blend of parts
- Begin incorporating dynamics
- Deck the Halls With Old Composers
- Refresh on sections worked last week
- Begin working new sections, especially sixteenth passages
- Attempt a full run
- Distribute other pieces and read through
High School
- Distribute more Pep Band Pieces
- Rehearse Fall Concert Pieces
- Perform at Coronation, Parade, and Game
- Continue rehearsing major scales
- Meet with small ensemble participants
- Play through all Major Concert Scales
- Begin playing scales in cut-time
- Goal of all scales in 4 minutes
- Play one key in 3rds
- Play one relative-minor scale
- Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s
Music Rehearsal:
- Play that Funky Music
- Read through with band as time allows
- Rehearse in sections
- Kinmount Overture
- Rehearse eighth note passage 5 before 64
- Flute/Clarinet parts beginning 4 before 106
- Rehearse tempo transition between the slow section and the a tempo near the end of the piece
- Incorporate more dynamic contrast
- Attempt a full run
- Follow the River
- Begin incorporating dynamic shaping into phrases
- Work for elongated phrases
- Make sure percussion dynamics are correct and drive the band
- Glory and Triumph
- Arrange a sectional with trumpets and trombone for opening section
- Continue to rehearse in band
- Rehearse clarinets at 48, then add alto and tenor saxes
- Address proper dynamic contrast needed
- Perform full runs