Friday, September 28, 2012

Oct. 1-5 Happenings

5th Grade

  • Student group lessons
  • Continue individual lessons
Music Rehearsal:
  1. High Brass
    1. Refresh on hand position/posture
    2. Refresh tonguing
    3. Begin reading from book 
      1. Encourage foot tapping
      2. Pg. 4-5
  2. Woodwinds
    1. Refresh on holding the Instrument
    2. Refresh tonguing
    3. Begin from book
      1. Encourage foot tapping
      2. Pg. 4-5
  3. Low Brass
    1. Refresh on holding the Instrument
    2. Refresh on tonguing
    3. Begin from book
      1. Encourage foot tapping
      2. Pg. 4-5
  4. Continue individual lessons

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Music
  • Begin looking for Winter Concert music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Infinity March
    1. Begin performing full runs
    2. Begin increasing tempo
  2. The Sound and the Fury
    1. Isolate passages between flute and clarinets
    2. Reinforce slurred melody lines in alto sax and trumpet
    3. Work on developing tempo
  3. Change of Pace
    1. Reinforce performance of first 10 bars
    2. Begin working backwards from the end
  4. Distribute possible Winter Concert pieces and read

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse pieces
  • Begin looking for possible Winter Concert music
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Irish Ballade
    1. Begin adding shaping to the piece
    2. Reinforce tempo chance, and work to avoid rushing
    3. Correct unison section
  2. March
    1. Work to reinforce steady beat throughout
    2. Work with percussion to correct rhythms in timpani
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Sojourne 2000
    1. Continue rehearsing in sections
    2. Isolate sixteenth note passages
    3. Isolate off beat hits
  4. Distribute potential Winter Concert pieces and read

High School

  • Rehearse for Fall Concert
  • Finish collecting for music trip accounts
  • Major Scales: Group 1
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Possibly distribute and begin reading from Bach Chorales
Music Rehearsal:
    1. Them Basses
      1. Begin isolation release points of tied rhythms
      2. Increase tempo with percussion
      3. Isolate moving lines in upper woodwinds in second half
      4. Continue to work on balancing parts throughout
    2. In the Bleak Mid Winter
      1. Begin isolation areas for intonation
      2. Isolate moving sixteenth passages in woodwinds
      3. Isolate opening clarinet solo
    3. Constellations
      1. Begin establishing style contrast for each movement
      2. Continue incorporating articulations 
      3. Begin addressing dynamic changes
      4. Isolate percussion parts throughout

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept. 24-28 Happenings


  • Student group lessons
  • Begin lesson schedule
Music Rehearsal:
  1. High Brass
    1. Refresh on instrument assembly
    2. Refresh on hand position/posture
    3. Discuss tonguing
    4. Begin reading from book 
      1. Encourage foot tapping
  2. Woodwinds
    1. Assembly of parts refresher
    2. Holding the Instrument
      1. Posture
      2. Hand positioning
      3. Elbows out from sides
    3. Making a sound
      1. Good Breath
      2. Tonguing
    4. Begin from book
  3. Low Brass
    1. Assembly of parts refresher
    2. Holding the Instrument
      1. Posture
      2. Hand positioning
      3. Elbows out from sides
    3. Making a sound
      1. Good Breath
      2. Tonguing
    4. Begin from book
  4. Discuss lesson schedules

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Music
  • Begin looking for Winter Concert music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Infinity March
    1. Isolate unison rhythms
    2. Isolate percussion parts
    3. Begin performing full runs
  2. The Sound and the Fury
    1. Isolate passages between flute and clarinets
    2. Reinforce slurred melody lines in alto sax and trumpet
    3. Work on developing tempo
  3. Change of Pace
    1. Distribute and read

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse pieces
  • Begin looking for possible Winter Concert music
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Irish Ballade
    1. Begin adding shaping to the piece
    2. Reinforce tempo chance, and work to avoid rushing
    3. Correct unison section
  2. March
    1. Work to reinforce steady beat throughout
    2. Work with percussion to correct rhythms in timpani
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Sojourne 2000
    1. Begin rehearsing in sections
    2. Isolate sixteenth note passages
    3. Isolate off beat hits

High School

  • Post Chair Placement
  • Collect Butter Braid Orders and Submit
  • Rehearse for Fall Concert
  • Major Scales: Eb, A, Ab, E, Gb, B
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Possibly distribute and begin reading from Bach Chorales
Music Rehearsal:
    1. Them Basses
      1. Begin isolation release points of tied rhythms
      2. Increase tempo with percussion
      3. Begin incorporating dynamic contrast
    2. In the Bleak Mid Winter
      1. Begin isolation areas for intonation
      2. Isolate moving sixteenth passages in woodwinds
    3. Constellations
      1. Re-read through each movement
      2. Begin isolating areas with rhythmic issues to address
      3. Begin establishing style contrast for each movement

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept. 17-21 Happenings

5th Band

  • Instrument assembly/sounds lesson
  • Prepare students for group lessons
  • Discuss lesson schedule
Music Rehearsal:
  1. High Brass
    1. Instrument handeling
      1. Set so latches open up
      2. Always close latches when done
    2. Instrument Parts
      1. Mouthpiece
      2. Valves
      3. Bell
      4. Slides
    3. Assembly of parts
    4. Holding the Instrument
      1. Posture
      2. Hand positioning
      3. Elbows out from sides
    5. Making a sound
      1. Good Breath
      2. Tonguing
    6. Begin from book if time
  2. Woodwinds
    1. Instrument handeling
      1. Set so latches open up
      2. Always close latches when done
    2. Instrument Parts
      1. Mouthpiece
      2. Keys
      3. Bell
    3. Assembly of parts
    4. Holding the Instrument
      1. Posture
      2. Hand positioning
      3. Elbows out from sides
    5. Making a sound
      1. Good Breath
      2. Tonguing
    6. Begin from book if time
  3. Low Brass
    1. Instrument handeling
      1. Set so latches open up
      2. Always close latches when done
    2. Instrument Parts
      1. Mouthpiece
      2. Valves/Slide
      3. Bell
      4. Slides
    3. Assembly of parts
    4. Holding the Instrument
      1. Posture
      2. Hand positioning
      3. Elbows out from sides
    5. Making a sound
      1. Good Breath
      2. Tonguing
    6. Begin from book if time
  4. Discuss lesson schedules
Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Music
  • Begin looking for Winter Concert music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Infinity March
    1. Isolate unison rhythms
    2. Isolate percussion parts
    3. Begin performing full runs
  2. The Sound and the Fury
    1. Isolate passages between flute and clarinets
    2. Reinforce slurred melody lines in alto sax and trumpet
    3. Work on developing tempo
  3. Change of Pace
    1. Distribute and read

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse pieces
  • Begin looking for possible Winter Concert music
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Irish Ballade
    1. Begin adding shaping to the piece
    2. Reinforce tempo chance, and work to avoid rushing
    3. Correct unison section
  2. March
    1. Isolate main melody and identify throughout
    2. Work with percussion to correct rhythms
  3. Sojourne 2000
    1. Continue reading
    2. Begin rehearsing in sections
High School

  • Coronation/Homecoming Activities
  • Complete Chair-Placement
  • Finalize Fall Concert Music
  • Major Scales: Eb, A, Ab, E, Gb, B
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Possibly distribute and begin reading from Bach Chorales
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Walkin on the Sun
    1. Refresh for marching band
    2. Possibly march outside
    3. Determine new parade line-up
  2. Finalize Fall Concert Pieces
    1. Them Basses
      1. Begin isolation release points of tied rhythms
      2. Increase tempo with percussion
      3. Begin incorporating dynamic contrast
    2. In the Bleak Mid Winter
      1. Begin isolation areas for intonation
      2. Isolate moving sixteenth passages in woodwinds
    3. Read additional pieces

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sept. 10-14 Happenings

This week the HS Students going on out trip in March to Orlando will begin selling Butter Braids to raise funds for their trip accounts. I hope you will consider supporting these young people with their trip.

Middle School


  • Instrument Rental
  • Determine group lesson schedule
  • Finalize lesson schedule
  • Begin teaching basic musical terminology/counting with full group
  1. Identify basic music reading components
    1. Staff
    2. Clefs
    3. Time Signature
    4. Bar Line
    5. Notes/Types
  2. Discuss music as it relates to math, everything must add up
  3. Identify note reading tools for treble and bass clefs

  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Continue reading through pieces
    1. Identify important elements
    2. Refresh on key and time signatures

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse pieces
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Irish Ballade
    1. Begin adding shaping to the piece
    2. Reinforce tempo chance
    3. Correct unison section
  2. March
    1. Isolate main melody and identify throughout
    2. Work with percussion to correct rhythms
  3. Sojourne 2000
    1. Distribute and read

High School

  • Perform Football Pep Band
  • Begin lessons
  • Chair-placement auditions
  • Begin reading for Fall Concert
  • Major Scales: C, F, G, Bb, D
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Possibly distribute and begin reading from Bach Chorales
Music Rehearsal:
  1. SSB
    1. Refresh and address any issues
  2. Notre Dame Victory
    1. Rehearse for speed
    2. Bring out inner moving lines
    3. Discuss Addition of horn motion
  3. Finish reading through pep songs
  4. Distribute potential Fall Concert pieces
    1. Read through
    2. Eliminate as needed
    3. Possibly look for others or select a program and begin rehearsing

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sept. 4-7 Happenings

Attention all music students that will be attending our March trip to Orlando, FL. We will be holding a fundraiser that is open only to you selling Butter Braids beginning Sept. 10 (Mon.) and running until Sept. 24. Remember that you have a deposit of $300.00 due in your trip accounts by Sept. 30.

Middle School Bands



  • Continue instrument demos and finish
  • Begin teaching prospective students about note identification and rhythmic reading


  • Distribute Music
  • Begin Reading
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Distribute Music
  2. Sight-Read and begin rehearsing

  • Distribute Music
  • Begin Reading
  • Concert Major Scales: Bb, Eb, F, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Distribute Music
  2. Sight-Read and begin rehearsing

High School Band

  • Distribute all pep music
  • Refresh on pep music
  • Cover class syllabus
  • Discuss trip payment deadlines
  • Discuss Fall Concert
  • Concert Major Scales
  • 3rds
  • Relative Minor
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Refresh on pep tunes
    1. School Song
    2. SSB
    3. Louie Louie
    4. Don’t Worry Be Happy
    5. Rock and Roll all Night
    6. Etc...