- Rehearse solos with ensemble time
- Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
- Begin Solo Spotlight
- Bb Major Scale on Pg. 28 #147
- Rehearse Full Chromatic Scale from Concert Bb to Concert Bb
- Eighth Notes
Music Rehearsal:
- Use ensemble time to rehearse individually on solos
- goal for each student to play two full runs during the time
- use remaining time to isolate problem areas with their playing
- The Lost City
- Isolate individual parts in independent areas
- Attempt full run
6th Grade
- Rehearse Spring Concert Pieces
- Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
- Begin Solo Spotlight
- EE Pg. 40 #1, 2 in all four keys
- Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Chant and Tribal Dance
- continue working to incorporate accents into performances
- Continue to isolate dynamics, especially crescendos
- Rehearse transition between opening and fast tempo
- Korean Folk Rhapsody
- Isolate tempo changes in final section of the piece to build visual communication to avoid rushing
- Isolate full percussion sections for accuracy and balance
- Begin performing in large sections, identifying different tempi
- March Zuma
- Rehearse sections focusing on dynamic changes in each
- Continue performing in sections, working to increase tempo
- Sea Songs
- Re-read and begin rehearsing in sections identifying dynamic changes throughout
7/8th Grade
- Rehearse Spring Concert Pieces
- Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
- Begin Solo Spotlight
- Two selected major scales
- Perform 3rds in an additional key
- One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Tribute and Triumph
- Begin working to build tempo without rushing
- Identify the use of accents within the fanfare section
- Begin working on balance among voices in the slow middle section
- Reflections
- Isolate the melody and discuss proper style needed with its performance
- Identify counter-lines throughout the piece and shape them with the melody
- Begin performing in sections
- 6/8 March
- Identify the melody and counter-melody throughout
- Isolate supporting voices and incorporate shaping into their lines
- Rehearse Fine Arts Music
- Reinforce upcoming Accompanists Lesson Schedule
- Two selected major scales
- Relative minor and 3rds in selected keys
- One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
- Selected Bach Chorale
Music Rehearsal:
- Explorations
- Ensure snare is incorporating all written accents in the fast section
- Work to make sure supporting lines aren’t accenting beat four
- Isolate upper-woodwind section at 40 for rhythmic accuracy
- Isolate transitions and rehearse tempo changes together, focusing on communication
- Balladair
- Perform full runs for mental and physical endurance
- Continue to develop smooth legato style throughout
- The Blue and the Grey
- Isolate Battle Hymn of the Republic for rhythmic accuracy in the upper woodwinds
- Discuss the style change that occurs at Aura Lee and begin incorporating that into the performance