Parents: Please make sure your students are practicing at home as much as possible. They will be performing a solo in April and regular individual practice is the key to them having a successful and rewarding experience.
5th Band:
- Continue working Concert Bb from Pg. 28 in EE and Pg. 40 in EE
- Rehearse Power Rock to increase tempo and correct note length
- Rehearse Creepy Crawlies focusing on speeding up sixteenth note parts and adding dynamics
- Rehearse Companions in the Quest focusing on playing through the entire piece by working on the opening measures and working the rest of the piece in small sections
- Mr. Pedersen will be looking for more new music for this band
6th Band:
- Continue working Concert and Chromatic Scales, paying close attention to articulations
- Rehearse The Tempest focusing on dynamics and articulations, and working with saxes and trumpets to improve their parts respectively (full run in two weeks)
- Rehearse Forward March working it as three different sections, beginning, middle, and end with the beginning needing the most work. Pay extra attention to percussion parts
- Mr. Pedersen will be looking for more new music for this band
7/8th Band:
- Continue working Concert and Chromatic Scales
- Perform multiple runs of Forrest Gump and The Pink Panther for the Pops Concert
- Collect Pops Concert Music on Wednesday
- Begin working on new tunes for Spring Concert
- Perform final rehearsals with videos for Pops Concert Music
- Address any last minute musical problems, and continue to work intonation and phrasing in Navy Hymn
- Collect Pops Concert music on Wednesday
- Distribute new music for Fine Arts Concert/Large Group Contest
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