5th Band
- Continue with Concert Bb scale and chromatic
- Power Rock, continue full runs
- Creepy Crawlies, begin playing full runs in band and increasing tempo as well as brining out clarinet and flute parts
- Companions in the Quest, perform full runs of the first half of the song and continue working through the second half in small sections
6th Band
- Continue with Concert Scales and chromatic
- The Tempest, peform full runs isolating the trumpets at 45, working with the saxes for a controlled sound, and incorporating more dynamics into the performance
- Forward March, begin playing full runs of this piece, continue working with percussion and clarinets at 25 and work the last few measures after section 31
- Discuss playing three pieces and continue to work on African Folk Trilogy #2 continuing to read through the piece
7/8th Band
- Continue with Concert Scales and chromatic
- Funiculi, Funicula, begin performing full runs and monitoring percussion parts for accuracy, incorporate more dynamic contrast and articulation accuracy for staccattos
- Tribute and Triumph, continue playing through piece isolating different sections, work with low voices on syncopated rhythms and clarinets on unison areas
- Jefferson County Overture, perform full runs working for a contrast in the slow section with good balance among parts and following the conductor for ritardandos
HS Band
- Finalize arrangements for Solo/Ensemble Contest on Saturday in Ruthven
- Encanto, rehearse unison attacks, clarinet articulations and performance tempos, sixteenth note run passages, and section transitions
- Air For Band, perform full runs working to bring dynamic contrast up primarily bringing the loud sections up more in volume without increasing tempo, also work on the key change with the upper woodwinds
- Valdres, perform full runs working for contrast between sections and work with upper woodwinds for rhythmic accuracy
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