5th Band
- Rehearse Notes in Review
- Rehearse on EE pages 8-10
- Rehearse counting and playing eighth notes with winds and percussion
- Distribute sheet music for Winter Concert
- Notes in Review on EE Pg. 6
- Begin playing faster and with varying rhythms
Music Rehearsal:
- Begin on Pg. 8 with #27
- Play through exercises on pages 8-9
- Refresh on Pick-Up notes
- Begin playing on Page 10 with eighth notes
- Distribute sheet music and begin reading
6th Band
- Continue rehearsing concert music
- Perform full runs of pieces, incorporate dynamics
- Continue rehearsing Major Scales and Chromatic, goal of 3 minutes
- Select Winter Concert Pieces
- Play through EE Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, and 2
- Work articulations on number 2 and push tempos
- Work to make the second note of the slur short
- Play chromatic scale
- Goal of 3 minutes for everything including chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
- Allow student input on selecting three pieces for Winter Concert
- Once pieces have been selected, begin focusing rehearsal on those three pieces
- Encourage students to select challenging pieces
- Apollo March?
- Christmas Decorations?
- Variations on a French Carol?
- Set goal to have students into book two before Christmas Break
7/8th Band
- Continue scale rehearsal, goal of 4 minutes
- Rehearse Winter Concert Music
- Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, and G
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
- Play Chromatic Scale
- Tune
Music Rehearsal:
- Copper Mountain Legend
- Refine articulations in unison ensemble rhythms
- Incorporate appropriate dynamics
- Perform full runs of the piece
- A Still, Silent Night
- Rehearse steady beat to avoid rushing
- Continue working the Rall.
- Refine intonation
- Begin incorporating dynamics
- Perform full runs
- Deck the Halls With Old Composers
- Incorporate more dynamic contrast
- Work with Trumpets, Saxes, Clarinets, and Flutes on sixteenth rhythms
- Perform full runs
- Begin Looking for Pops Concert Pieces
- Possibly distribute and read if given time
High School
- Rehearse Winter Concert Music
- Rehearse Armed Forces on Parade and Star-Spangled Banner
- Continue rehearsing major scales
- Perform at Veteran’s Day Assembly
- Sectional with Clarinets and Flutes for Trills in Sleigh Ride
- Play through all Major Concert Scales
- Begin playing scales in cut-time
- Goal of all scales in 4 minutes
- Play one key in 3rds
- Play one relative-minor scale
- Natural Minor
- Harmonic Minor
- Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s
Music Rehearsal:
- Sleigh Ride
- Rehearse clarinets and alto sax melody between D and E
- Rehearse key modulation before the D.S.
- Work with trumpets and alto sax at C
- Continue incorporating dynamics and explaining markings
- Perform full runs
- Russian Christmas Music
- Refresh on counting in the cut time section
- Rehearse from beginning working on appropriate dynamic shaping
- Rehearse at 33 having all low saxes play cues with trombone (Cymbal Crash)
- Rehearse 56 to 64 isolating individual parts
- Rehearse last 6 measures and transition between 74 and 80
- In the Christmas Mood
- Rehearse measures 4-9, 27-29, 52-55
- Begin rehearsing 74 to the end
- Perform sections identifying articulation patterns
- Armed Forces on Parade and Star-Spangled Banner
- Perform Full Runs
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