Friday, April 8, 2011

Apr. 11-15 Happenings

Middle School

5th Band


  • Continue full octave Bb scales
  • Continue Chromatic Scale
  • Rehearse full page pieces


  1. Page 28 #147
  2. Page 40 Concert Bb #1, 2
  3. Chromatic Scale

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Dragons of Komodo
    1. Reinforce triplet rhythms and practice counting and playing
    2. Reinforce tempo change for 4/4 to 2/4 change
    3. Continue full runs
  2. Rock, Roll, Row Your Boat
    1. Reinforce melody sections
    2. Perform in full runs
  3. Let’s Rock
    1. Perform full runs
  4. Sultan’s Saber
    1. Begin playing in cut-time
  5. Mach Winds
    1. Read through
    2. Begin rehearsing in sections
  6. Possibly distribute new tunes

6th Band:


  • Continue scale rehearsal
  • Rehearse/Read Music


  1. Play through Concert Scales: Bb, Eb, F, Ab in EE Pg. 40
  2. Chromatic Scale

Music Rehearsal:

  1. All the King’s Men
    1. Perform full runs
  2. Bay Town Festival
    1. Rehearse syncopated rhythms in woodwinds
    2. Solidify rhythms in percussion
    3. Begin incorporating dynamics
  3. Russian Sailor’s Dance
    1. Begin correcting full ensemble rhythms
    2. Perform in sections
  4. Signed, Sealed, Delivered
    1. Perform full runs

7/8th Band


  • Continue scale rehearsal
  • Begin Rehearsing New Spring Concert Pieces


  1. Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, and D
    1. Continue playing scales in cut-time
  2. Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
  3. Play Chromatic Scale
  4. Tune

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Loch Lomond
    1. Rehearse 6/8 section for supporting parts
    2. Rehearse opening 4/4 section and reinforce proper entrance points
    3. Begin incorporating rubato
  2. Tailspin
    1. Begin correcting ensemble rhythms
    2. Discuss drag triplet rhythms
    3. Begin incorporating articulations and dynamics into passages
    4. Possibly listen to the recording again
  3. Eagle’s Triumph
    1. Begin correcting ensemble rhythms
    2. Read through the slow section
High School


  • Continue rehearsing major scales
  • Rehearse Large Group Pieces


  1. Play through all Major Concert Scales
    1. Continue playing scales in cut-time
  2. Play one key in 3rds
  3. Play one relative-minor scale
    1. Natural Minor
    2. Harmonic Minor
  4. Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s
    1. Change articulation pattern


Music Rehearsal:

    1. March King March
      1. Begin refining march style
      2. Incorporate proper dynamic contrast for section
      3. Begin rehearsing delayed stinger
    2. As if On Wings
      1. Begin looking at in sections as time allows
    3. Yorkshire Ballad
      1. Discuss proper balance of long-line vs. moving parts
      2. Continue working to control tempo and not rushs
      3. Discuss and reinforce listening for pitch
      4. Begin incorporating shaping elements
    4. Celebration and Dance
      1. Continue incorporating articulations and accents
      2. Continue working with clarinets woodwinds on fast passages to improve rhythm and pitches
      3. Reinforce transitions
      4. Continue working on sextuplet with upper-woodwinds

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