Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dec. 3-7 Happenings


  • Reinforce Notes In Review
  • Rehearse Winter Concert Pieces and distribute concert expectations sheet
  • Continue band lessons
  1. Pg. 6 “Notes in Review”
Music Rehearsal:
  1. EE Pg. 5 #8
  2. Pg. 9 #38
  3. St. Nick on the Housetop
    1. Reinforce trombone part
    2. Reinforce rest counting
    3. Isolate eighth note passages
  4. Continue from EE. Pg. 9 forward

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Winter Concert music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. The Sound and the Fury
    1. Reinforce slurred melody lines in alto sax and trumpet
    2. Isolate flute/clarinet passages
    3. Continue increasing tempo
  2. Stormy Windy March
    1. Isolate Triplet rhythms in second half
    2. Begin incorporating dynamics
  3. Frosty the Snowman
    1. Isolate B section with woodwinds
    2. Reinforce entrances for trumpets
    3. Continue with dynamics

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse Winter Concert Pieces
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Themes from The Nutcracker
    1. Begin performing full runs
    2. Emphasize dynamics
    3. Continue isolating the closing section developing tempo and isolating the alternating section between trombones and saxes
  2. Moscow 1941
    1. Fast Section
      1. Isolate trombone parts at fast section
      2. Isolate upper woodwind eighth note section
    2. Reinforce transitions with rit. especially
    3. Work for more dynamic contrast
  3. The Water is Wide
    1. Isolate moving inner-voice parts to prevent rushing
    2. Work to develop proper balance with moving melody lines
    3. Isolate the key change section and work the transition into the new key

High School

  • Rehearse Winter Concert Music
  • Continue looking for Pops Music
  • Holiday Stroll Thursday
  • Major Scales
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Bach Chorale 
Music Rehearsal:
    1. Holiday Piece
      1. Continue rehearsing opening section with percussion to increase tempo
      2. Isolate closing measures to incorporate suspended cymbal roll/choke
      3. Work on clarinet runs
      4. Perform full runs
    2. Novo Lenio
      1. Isolate percussion parts at the fast section
      2. Begin rehearsing dynamic shaping in opening and closing sections
      3. Develop transition between slow and fast sections
    3. God of Our Fathers
      1. Work to develop speed in 6/8 section in brass parts and percussion
      2. Isolate upper-woodwind arpeggios 
      3. Isolate rhythms in the closing section in brass
      4. Begin rehearsing in large sections

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