- Continue working on Chromatic
- Continue work on Concert Bb Scale on EE Pg. 40
- Pg. 12 Tone Builder/Rhythm Etude
- Chromatic Scale
- Pg. 40 Bb #1 and 2
Music Rehearsal:
- March Winds
- Isolate snare solo with Tucker
- Identify dynamics and changes
- Isolate trombone and clarinet parts at A
- Cannon of Peace
- Answer student questions on new markings
- Isolate and identify like parts
- Discuss 3/4 meter
- Begin rehearsing in sections
- Distribute new piece when finished with March Winds
Middle School
- Rehearse EE. Scales
- Rehearse Concert Pieces
- EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
- Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
- Espirit
- Begin identifying dynamic contrasts and articulations throughout
- Transition into and out of the slow middle section
- Isolate slow section
- Canticum
- Rehearse entire slow section and develop musical shaping
- Continue adding articulations and identify dynamic changes
- Begin performing full runs
- A Hero’s Return
- Reinforce eighth note sixteenth note combinations for counting and performance throughout piece
- Continue looking at second half
- Possibly distribute a new piece
- Rehearse major scales
- Rehearse Concert Pieces
- Pops Concert
- Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
- 3rds
- Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
- Y.M.C.A
- Reinforce articulation on background figures
- Continue performing full runs and reinforce dynamic changes
- Baby Elephant Walk
- Isolate flute melody passages and connecting section between first half and measure 60
- Continue performing full runs
- Isolate fp entrances and auxiliary percussion
High School
- Rehearse Assorted Key Signatures
- Pops Concert Pieces
- Trip meeting before Pops Concert
- Major Scales
- 3rds in given key
- Chromatic
- Bach Chorale
Music Rehearsal:
- Les Miserables
- Perform full runs
- Ye Banks and Braes
- Perform full runs
- Chorale and Shaker Dance
- Isolate final Allegro section
- Continue performing full runs
- Cajun Folk Songs
- Begin rehearsing in sections and establish percussion assignments
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