We have finally made it to the last full week of school for the 2010-2o11 school year, but things are far from over. Please stop by the band room on Tuesday, May 23 to hear the 5th and 6th grade bands perform as part of Open House at 6:00 and 6:30 respectively. Also, the high school band will be performing on Memorial Day in Graettinger as part of the American Legion Memorial Day Ceremony which will begin at 10:00 in the park directly north of the Legion Hall. We hope to see you all at both of these events to support the school, the students, and our service men and women both past and present. On a final note, any parents or students that are still planning to sign up for summer band lessons need to do so quickly as times are almost completely filled in Graettinger and are filling fast in Terril.
5th Band
- Continue full octave Bb, Eb, and F scales
- Continue Chromatic Scale
- Rehearse for Open House
- Page 40 Concert Bb and Eb #1, 2
- Read through Concert F and Ab Keys
- Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Sultan’s Saber
- Continue playing in cut-time
- Discuss possibly taking repeats
- Let’s Rock
- Perform full runs
- Work to increase accuracy of snare part throughout
- Check dynamics
- Chesapeake March
- Re-read piece and begin rehearsing
- Have students bring instruments and books home for summer
6th Band:
- Continue transposing scale rehearsal
- Rehearse for Open House
- Rehearse and refresh transposing scales with new sheet
- Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Rehearse 1812 Overture
- Isolate and rehearse percussion parts
- Incorporate dynamic shaping of sections
- Add articulations
- Collect Russian Sailor’s Dance
- Have students bring instruments and books home for summer
7/8th Band
- Continue scale rehearsal
- Rehearse HS Pieces
- Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, and D
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
- Play Chromatic Scale
- Tune
Music Rehearsal:
Be sure to tell 8th graders about August 30 and 31 Rehearsals
- Spania
- Continue rehearsal incorporating dynamics and articulations
- Discuss memorization
- Isolate percussion parts for accuracy
- Star-Spangled Banner
- Refresh opening routine with roll and horns up
- Begin incorporating shaping of phrases
- Isolate rit. areas and fermatas for group accuracy
- School Song
- Continue rehearsing and correcting sections
- Isolate the endings and fast passages
- Work with percussion on parts and increasing confidence
High School
- Continue rehearsing major scales
- Rehearse Parade and Memorial Day Pieces
- Meet with percussion to rehearse cadence
- Play through all Major Concert Scales
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one key in 3rds
- Play one relative-minor scale
- Natural Minor
- Harmonic Minor
- Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s
- Change articulation pattern
Music Rehearsal:
- Star-Spangled Banner
- Rehearse middle section to smooth section
- Work to shape the beginning and ends of phrases
- Isolate intonation on fermatas
- This is My Country
- Work to balance melody vs. counter lines
- Continue with shaping and tuning the slow section
- The Caisson Song
- Work with trumpets on fanfare sections
- Work with ensemble on articulations and dynamics
- God Bless America
- Continue reading and begin fixing ensemble parts
- Spania
- Incorporate articulations
- Continue to rehearse fp crescendos
- Continue working on memorization
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