Congratulations are in order for the High School Band. On Friday May 6 they traveled to Algona to perform at Large Group Contest. Following a very good performance these students earned a Division II Rating. Although they were hoping for a I, they are to be commended for their hard work and commitment to excellence. These young people have represented their school and their communities well through their musical efforts. If you see or live with any of them please take a moment to congratulate them on another great year and for their excellent work at Large Group Contest.
Also, we hope to see you in the Terril Gym on Thursday May 12 for the 5-8th Grade Spring Concert. The evening will start at 7:00 and will feature the choirs and bands of all four grades. If your students(s) are performing that evening in one of the bands please make sure that they are dressed nicely and arrive early in order to tune and have their instrument and music placed in the gym in advance.
5th Band
- Continue full octave Bb scales
- Continue Chromatic Scale
- Rehearse concert pieces
- Perform Spring Concert
- Page 40 Concert Bb and Eb #1, 2
- Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- Dragons of Komodo
- Reinforce triplet rhythms and practice counting and playing in percussion
- Reinforce trumpet parts and full sound
- Continue full runs
- Rock, Roll, Row Your Boat
- Reinforce melody sections
- Perform in full runs
- Sultan’s Saber
- Continue playing in cut-time
- Work to correct tambourine part
- Mach Winds
- Continue rehearsing in sections
- Begin full runs
- Chesapeake March
- Re-read piece as a possible option for open house
- Search for other possible pieces
6th Band:
- Continue scale rehearsal
- Rehearse concert pieces
- Perform Spring Concert
- Continue work on Russian Sailor’s Dance for Open House
- Play through Concert Scales: Bb, Eb, F, Ab in EE Pg. 40
- Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
- All the King’s Men
- Perform full runs
- Bay Town Festival
- Rehearse syncopated rhythms in woodwinds/brass
- Begin incorporating dynamics
- Russian Sailor’s Dance
- Begin correcting full ensemble rhythms
- Perform in sections
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered
- Perform full runs
7/8th Band
- Continue scale rehearsal
- Rehearse concert pieces
- Perform Spring Concert
- Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, and D
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
- Play Chromatic Scale
- Tune
Music Rehearsal:
- Loch Lomond
- Rehearse 6/8 section for supporting parts
- Continue rehearsal for entrances and rhythmic counting
- Begin incorporating shaping
- Tailspin!
- Begin incorporating articulations and dynamics into passages
- Work with upper woodwinds on unison passages
- Begin increasing tempo and performing full runs
- Eagle’s Triumph
- Continue to build speed on opening section
- Rehearse slow section and bring out melody
- Perform full runs
High School
- Continue rehearsing major scales
- Collect Large Group Music and File
- Begin looking for Memorial Day Pieces
- Discuss Contest Results
- Play through all Major Concert Scales
- Continue playing scales in cut-time
- Play one key in 3rds
- Play one relative-minor scale
- Natural Minor
- Harmonic Minor
- Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s
- Change articulation pattern
Music Rehearsal:
- Discuss contest results and listen to recordings
- Collect all Contest Music
- Distribute Letters and Metals during week in band
- Decide on marching piece between Spania and El Fuego
- Begin reading possible Memorial Day Selections
- Write and distribute new cadence
- Rehearse Star-Spangled Banner
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