Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apr. 29-May 3 Happenings


  • Continue working on Chromatic
  • Continue work on Concert Bb Scale on EE Pg. 40
  • Discuss Spring Concert Plan
  1. Pg. 12 Tone Builder/Rhythm Etude
  2. Chromatic Scale 
  3. Pg. 40 Bb and Eb #1 and 2
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Cannon of Peace
    1. Discuss contrasting rhythmic parts
    2. continue working on dynamic contrasts
  2. First Tango for Trumpets
    1. Begin performing full runs
    2. Discuss balance between melody and accopmaniment
    3. Isolate written dynamics
  3. Rock Roll Row 
    1. Begin rehearsing in sections after identifying like parts
    2. Isolate the introduction
    3. Work with woodwinds to avoid early entrances

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Concert Pieces
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Espirit
    1. Begin identifying dynamic contrasts and articulations throughout
    2. Transition into and out of the slow middle section
    3. Begin performing full runs
  2. Canticum
    1. Rehearse entire slow section and develop musical shaping
    2. Continue adding articulations and identify dynamic changes
    3. Begin performing full runs
  3. A Hero’s Return
    1. Isolate counting at the ending
    2. Reinforce and isolate counting in the middle section between trumpets and saxes
    3. Continue discussing dynamics
    4. Begin performing full runs

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Read new for Spring Concert
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
    1. Achilles Wrath
      1. Isolate sections with mixed meter
      2. Increase dynamic contrast in percussion
      3. Isolate areas of piano playing to prevent slowing
      4. Begin performing full runs
    2. Fantasy on a Fanfare
      1. Begin performing full runs
      2. Develop accented style in winds
      3. Explain dynamic shaping
    3. Liberty Bell
      1. Isolate opening measures for rhythmic accuracy
      2. Isolate dog fight to develop hand-off between upper and lower voices
      3. Begin full runs emphasizing the dynamic changes and pick-ups between sections

High School

  • Rehearse Assorted Key Signatures
  • Fine Arts Concert
  • Large Group Contest
  • Major Scales
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Bach Chorale 
Music Rehearsal:
      1. Cajun Folk Songs
        1. Continue performing full runs of both pieces
      2. El Capitan
        1. Perform full runs
      3. They Led My Lord Away
        1. Continue developing dynamic shaping
        2. Perform full runs

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