Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sept. 29-Oct. 3 Happenings

It is Homecoming Week here at GT/RA and we are getting fired-up for all of our performances. Please come to our Coronation on Tuesday evening in Ruthven beginning at 7:30 to support our students and come early to hear the real treat, the GT/RA Pep Band.


  • Finalize introduction of first 5 notes
  • Begin “Notes in Review”
  • Begin reading notes by location without names written in 
  1. Playing:
    1. Begin on Pg. 4 with #2
      1. Set Goal of all of pages 4 and 5
      2. Cover all 5 beginning notes
    2. Introduce “Notes In Review” on Pg. 6
    3. Set goal to play from Pg. 6 next week
    4. Reinforce note reading by staff location


6th Grade

  • Improve accidental reading and performance in Dark Adventure
  • Introduce new syncopated rhythms in Andromeda Overture
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, #2
  • Chromatic Scale on octave beginning on Concert Bb in eighth notes
  1. Dark Adventure
    1. Isolate passages with multiple accidentals with like parts playing together
    2. Reinforce performance of articulations throughout, especially accents
    3. Identify dynamics throughout
  2. Royal March
    1. Reinforce trumpet melody in final section
    2. Define balance of voices throughout
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Andromeda Overture
    1. Reinforce eighth note rhythms in opening section
    2. Identify lines and counter lines
    3. Isolate syncopated trombone passages in opening section
    4. Begin reading second half
7/8th Grade

  • Begin discussing intonation
  • Refine musical styling/shaping of pieces
  • Perform major scales: Concert C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • Perform selected key in thirds
  • One octave Bb chromatic scale in eighth notes
  1. Park Street Celebration
    1. Isolate tempo changes for consistency
    2. Continue adding dynamics throughout
    3. Isolate bass voices throughout for accuracy
    4. Perform full runs
  2. Le Sabre
    1. Identify dynamics in each section and perform accordingly
  3. Roswell 1947
    1. Isolate opening measures for humming parts
    2. Perform closing measures and discuss proper balance of sound


  • Rehearse Fall Concert Music
  • Continue to rehearse listening for intonation
  • Homecoming Parades, Coronation, Game
  • Selected Major Scales, two daily
  • One major key in thirds
  • One relative-minor
  • Chromatic
  • Selected Bach Chorale
  1. Light Cavalry Overture
    1. Work to increase tempo of 6/8 and incorporate double tonguing
    2. Continue work on opening chords focusing on balance
    3. Continue to create dynamic contrast between passages
  2. 1812 Overture
    1. Continue rehearsing cascading woodwind runs, isolating the molto rall. in the closing passage
    2. Rehearse opening to continue developing a lighter feel
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Down a Country Lane
    1. Research background and share with students
    2. Listen to high quality recording for mood
    3. Continue to work for light legato style with moving lines

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sept. 22-29 Happenings


  • Continue sound production and music reading basics
  • Begin individual lessons
  1. Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion group lessons
    1. Music Reading:
      1. Reinforce: Staff, Clefs, Note Placement
      2. Reinforce the beat and foot tapping
  2. Playing:
    1. Begin on Pg. 4 with the first note #1
      1. Set Goal of all of pages 4 and 5
      2. Begin quizzing over note reading without letters written in
      3. Cover all 5 beginning notes
    2. Reinforce articulation on each instrument


6th Grade

  • Perform full runs of all pieces
  • Distribute new piece and read
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, #2
  • Chromatic Scale on octave beginning on Concert Bb in eighth notes
  1. Dark Adventure
    1. Rehearse tempo change and reinforce percussion there for confidence
    2. Isolate passages with multiple accidentals
    3. Reinforce performance of articulations throughout, especially accents
    4. Identify dynamics throughout
  2. Royal March
    1. Isolate the second section of the piece, working to correct rhythmic performance
    2. Reinforce trumpet melody in final section
    3. Define balance of voices throughout
  3. Distribute and read Andromeda Overture
7/8th Grade

  • Begin discussing intonation
  • Read Roswell with QAR
  • Refine musical styling/shaping of pieces
  • Perform major scales: Concert C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • Perform selected key in thirds
  • One octave Bb chromatic scale in eighth notes
  1. Park Street Celebration
    1. Isolate tempo changes for consistency
    2. Continue adding dynamics throughout
    3. Isolate bass voices throughout for accuracy
    4. Perform full runs
  2. Le Sabre
    1. Reinforce upper-woodwinds on eighth/sixteenth passages
    2. Continue to refine march style and articulations to add more space between notes
    3. Identify and work to bring out inner voice counter lines
  3. Roswell 1947
    1. Read through using QAR strategies
    2. Begin rehearsal of piece in sections


  • Rehearse Fall Concert Music
  • Continue to rehearse listening for intonation
  • Selected Major Scales, two daily
  • One major key in thirds
  • One relative-minor
  • Chromatic
  • Selected Bach Chorale
  1. Light Cavalry Overture
    1. Work to increase tempo of 6/8 and incorporate double tonguing
    2. Continue to refine length of notes in opening passage, unison releases
    3. Begin to create dynamic contrast between passages
  2. 1812 Overture
    1. Begin rehearsing cascading woodwind runs, isolating the molto rall. in the closing passage
    2. Rehearse opening to continue developing a lighter feel
    3. Begin working the closing section and incorporate chimes
  3. Distribute and read possible slow/lyrical pieces:
    1. Down a Country Lane
    2. A Childhood Hymn
    3. ?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sept. 15-19 Happenings


Next week we will begin individual band lessons. This week each student will be given a copy of the lesson schedule to take home and post in a prominent place.

  • Teach basic sound production and music reading basics
  • Establish group rehearsal schedule for coming weeks, and create lesson schedule
  1. Distribute and discuss final lesson schedule
  2. Schedule Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion group lessons
    1. Items to cover:
      1. Proper instrument holding
      2. Setting up reeds review
      3. Posture and Breathing
  3. Music Reading:
    1. Identify: Staff, Clefs, Note Placement
    2. Discuss the beat and foot tapping
  4. Playing:
    1. Begin on Pg. 4 with the first note
    2. Discuss articulation on each instrument
    3. Assign rehearsal of Pg. 4 and 5


6th Grade

  • Rehearse warm-ups in four concert keys, refining weak areas
  • Perform full runs of all pieces
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, #2
  • Chromatic Scale on octave beginning on Concert Bb in eighth notes
  1. Dark Adventure
    1. Rehearse tempo change and reinforce percussion there for confidence
    2. Isolate the opening passage with woodwinds
    3. Discuss proper performance of articulations throughout, especially accents
  2. Royal March
    1. Isolate the second section of the piece, working to correct rhythmic performance
    2. Identify melody and supporting parts throughout
  3. Distribute and read Andromeda Overture
7/8th Grade

  • Add Concert D to scales
  • Begin discussing intonation
  • Rehearse concert music
  • Perform major scales: Concert C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • Perform selected key in thirds
  • One octave Bb chromatic scale in eighth notes
  1. Park Street Celebration
    1. Isolate tempo changes for consistency
    2. Continue adding dynamics throughout
    3. Discuss proper balance in full ensemble passages
    4. Isolate bass voices throughout for accuracy
    5. Perform full runs
  2. Le Sabre
    1. Isolate upper-woodwinds on eighth/sixteenth passages
    2. Identify the form and sections of the piece
    3. Continue to refine march style and articulations
  3. Roswell 1947
    1. Read through and begin rehearsing in sections


  • Rehearse Fall Concert Music
  • Begin to rehearse listening for intonation
  • Post chair placements
  • Selected Major Scales, two daily
  • One major key in thirds
  • One relative-minor
  • Chromatic
  • Selected Bach Chorale
  1. Light Cavalry Overture
    1. Rehearse transition between 4/4 and 6/8
    2. Work with brass to develop double tonguing for faster passages
    3. Continue to refine length of notes in opening passage
  2. 1812 Overture
    1. Begin rehearsing cascading woodwind runs
    2. Continue to work opening section to develop lighter style
  3. Old Churches
    1. Introduce the concepts used in the final two measures
    2. Work full ensemble passages to develop balance among voices
  4. Possibly read another option for a slow/lyrical piece

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sept. 8-12 Happenings

Dear Blog Reader,

I apologize for not posting the happenings of our first two weeks of school. Somehow in the maze of activities I simply overlooked it. That being said, we have certainly been busy with two high school performances already under our belts and a new class of 5th grade students that have shiny new instrument and a rearing to go. Please check back each week to keep up with what is happening in our band rooms.

Mr. Pedersen


  • Teach basic sound production and music reading basics
  • Establish group rehearsal schedule for coming weeks, and create lesson schedule
  1. Create final lesson schedule
  2. Schedule Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion group lessons
    1. Items to cover:
      1. Proper instrument holding
      2. Setting up reeds
      3. Posture and Breathing
  3. Music Reading:
    1. Identify: Staff, Clefs, Note Placement
    2. Discuss the beat and foot tapping
  4. Playing:
    1. Begin on Pg. 4 with the first note
    2. Discuss articulation on each instrument
    3. Assign rehearsal of the first two pages

Middle School

6th Grade

  • Rehearse warm-ups in four concert keys
  • Rehearse concert pieces, and begin looking for another
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, #2
  • Chromatic Scale on octave beginning on Concert Bb in eighth notes
  1. Dark Adventure
    1. Rehearse tempo change and reinforce percussion there for confidence
    2. Identify and rehearse piece in sections
  2. Royal March
    1. Reinforce proper counting at the beginning and strengthen trumpets there
    2. Identify melody and supporting parts throughtout
7/8th Grade

  • Add Concert G to scales
  • Strengthen performance of scales in 3rds
  • Continue reading concert music
  • Perform major scales: Concert C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G
  • Perform selected key in thirds
  • One octave Bb chromatic scale in eighth notes
  1. Park Street Celebration
    1. Begin performing full runs
    2. Isolate tempo changes for consistency
    3. Begin adding dynamics throughout
  2. March
    1. Isolate upper-woodwinds on eighth/sixteenth passages
    2. Identify the form and sections of the piece
    3. Begin to refine march style and articulations
  3. Brazilian Folk Dance Suite
    1. Continue reading and make decision to keep or cut

High School

  • Begin reading Fall Concert Music
  • Continue to refine ensemble listening skills, specifically intonation and articulation
  • Complete chair placements
  • Selected Major Scales, two daily
  • One major key in thirds
  • One relative-minor
  • Chromatic
  • Selected Bach Chorale
  1. Wrap-up pep band 
  2. Begin reading potential Fall Concert pieces
    1. Discuss sight-reading strategies and goals
    2. Rehearse selected passages to determine ensemble abilities