Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oct. 18-22 Happenings

Middle School

5th Band


  • Rehearse Notes in Review
  • Rehearse on EE pages 6-7
    • Covering Quarter, Half, and Whole Notes and Rests


  1. Begin with Notes In Review on EE Pg. 6
    1. Play through the notes low to high
    2. Then high to low
    3. Finally up and down
  2. Begin on Pg. 6 on #14 say the notes and perform the fingerings/slide positions through the entire piece before playing it
  3. Refresh on counting quarter, half, and whole notes
  4. Play through all exercises on Pages 6-7, look forward to Page 8
    1. Assign playing Page 8 for lessons

6th Band


  • Continue rehearsing concert music
  • Perform full runs of pieces, incorporate dynamics
  • Continue rehearsing Major Scales and Chromatic, goal of 3 minutes
  • Distribute Little Drummer Boy


  1. Play through EE Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, and 2
    1. Work articulations on number 2 and push tempos
      1. Work to make the second note of the slur short
    2. Play chromatic scale
      1. Goal of 3 minutes for everything including chromatic

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Apollo March
    1. Work for dynamic contrast
    2. Refresh the road map of the piece
    3. Perform full runs
  2. The Sound and the Fury
    1. Work with saxes on keeping their part moving and not over-playing
    2. Work for dynamic contrast
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Variations on a French Carol
    1. Work on eighth note entrances in upper woodwinds
    2. Identify counter lines
    3. Play full runs
  4. Christmas Decorations
    1. Continue rehearsing in sections
    2. Isolate percussion parts for accuracy
  5. Distribute Little Drummer Boy
    1. Read through

7/8th Band


  • Continue scale rehearsal, goal of 4 minutes
  • Rehearse Winter Concert Music


  1. Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, and G
    1. Continue playing scales in cut-time
  2. Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
  3. Play Chromatic Scale
  4. Tune

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Copper Mountain Legend
    1. Refine articulations in unison ensemble rhythms
    2. Work for more clarinet sound
    3. Perform full runs of the piece
  2. A Still, Silent Night
    1. Work the transition between 4/4 and 3/4 for consistency
    2. Begin incorporating dynamics
    3. Work with Brass on interval training for the melody
  3. Deck the Halls With Old Composers
    1. Isolate sections with off-beat entrances
    2. Work with Trumpets, Saxes, Clarinets, and Flutes on sixteenth rhythms
    3. Perform full runs
  4. Distribute Silver Bells
    1. Continue reading through in sections
High School


  • Distribute potential Winter Concert Pieces
  • Read through pieces and possibly continue looking for pieces
  • Refresh on pep band pieces
  • Speak with possible Honor Band Students about nomination
  • Continue rehearsing major scales


  1. Play through all Major Concert Scales
    1. Begin playing scales in cut-time
    2. Goal of all scales in 4 minutes
  2. Play one key in 3rds
  3. Play one relative-minor scale
    1. Natural Minor
    2. Harmonic Minor
  4. Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s


Music Rehearsal:

  1. Sleigh Ride
    1. Look over piece and discuss performance needs
    2. Read
    3. Begin Rehearsing
  2. Russian Christmas Music
    1. Look over piece and discuss performance needs
      1. Watch for meter changes
    2. Read
    3. Begin Rehearsing
  3. In the Christmas Mood
    1. Look over piece and discuss performance needs
      1. Stylistic interpretation with swing eighth and articulations
    2. Read
    3. Begin Rehearsing
  4. Refresh Pep Band Pieces
    1. Build Me Up Buttercup
      1. Play through
    2. Play That Funky Music
      1. Distribute to the rest of the band as needed
      2. Rehearse in sections

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