Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mar. 11-15 Happenings


  • Continue working on Chromatic
  • Continue work on Concert Bb Scale on EE Pg. 40
  1. Pg. 12 Tone Builder/Rhythm Etude
  2. Chromatic Scale 
  3. Pg. 40 Bb #1 and 2
Music Rehearsal:
  1. March Winds
    1. Isolate snare solo with Tucker
    2. Identify dynamics and changes
    3. Isolate trombone and clarinet parts at A
  2. Cannon of Peace
    1. Answer student questions on new markings
    2. Isolate and identify like parts
    3. Discuss 3/4 meter
    4. Begin rehearsing in sections
  3. Distribute new piece when finished with March Winds

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Concert Pieces
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Espirit
    1. Begin identifying dynamic contrasts and articulations throughout
    2. Transition into and out of the slow middle section
    3. Isolate slow section
  2. Canticum
    1. Rehearse entire slow section and develop musical shaping
    2. Continue adding articulations and identify dynamic changes
    3. Begin performing full runs
  3. A Hero’s Return
    1. Reinforce eighth note sixteenth note combinations for counting and performance throughout piece
    2. Continue looking at second half
  4. Possibly distribute a new piece

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse Concert Pieces
  • Pops Concert
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Y.M.C.A
    1. Reinforce articulation on background figures
    2. Continue performing full runs and reinforce dynamic changes
  2. Baby Elephant Walk
    1. Isolate flute melody passages and connecting section between first half and measure 60
    2. Continue performing full runs
    3. Isolate fp entrances and auxiliary percussion

High School

  • Rehearse Assorted Key Signatures
  • Pops Concert Pieces
  • Trip meeting before Pops Concert
  • Major Scales
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Bach Chorale 
Music Rehearsal:
      1. Les Miserables
        1. Perform full runs
      2. Ye Banks and Braes
        1. Perform full runs
      3. Chorale and Shaker Dance
        1. Isolate final Allegro section
        2. Continue performing full runs
      4. Cajun Folk Songs
        1. Begin rehearsing in sections and establish percussion assignments

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