Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb. 3-7 Happenings


  • Distribute and rehearse full band pieces
  • Rehearse full octave chromatic/full octave concert Bb major
  • Pg. 12 Tone Builder and Rhythm Etude
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Review chromatic fingerings with fingering chart Pg. 46-47
    1. Begin playing it with meter
  2. Pg. 28 #147 review new notes for Concert Bb Scale and rehearse
  3. Featuring the Band
    1. Identify entrances and rest counting
    2. Identify and rehearse like parts
    3. Identify and discuss harmony
  4. Distribute new piece and read

Middle School


  • Rehearse major scales from EE Book
  • Rehearse music
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Year of the Dragon
    1. Isolate percussion break
    2. Perform full runs
  2. An American March
    1. Reinforce syncopated opening rhythms
    2. Isolate trombone part
    3. Discuss and demonstrate form
    4. Perform full runs
  3. Russian Sailor’s Dance
    1. Rehearse melody after opening passage
    2. Attempt full run
  4. Great Balls of Fire
    1. Begin incorporating articulations and dynamics throughout
    2. Rehearse with drum set
  5. Possibly distribute new piece

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse Pops Concert Pieces
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Disney Blockbusters
    1. Reinforce swing section and discuss articulation
    2. Reinforce articulation in Under the Sea
    3. Rehearse transition into and out of swing
    4. Rehearse beginning through Friend Like Me
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean
    1. Isolate middle slow section focusing on proper counting of parts and accurately 
    2. Begin playing isolated sections, identifying parts in each by instrument for melody and harmony
    3. Rehearse transition measures for fluent changes

High School

  • Rehearse for Pops
  • Pep Band
  • Organize Solos and Ensembles
  • Generate Musical Rehearsal Schedule
  • Major Scales
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Bach Chorale 
Music Rehearsal:
    1. Symphonic Dances, Fiddler On the Roof
      1. Focus on first cut-time passage for rhythmic accuracy in all voices
      2. Reinforce upper-register trumpet sections
      3. Begin working on building dance section
      4. Attempt full runs
    2. New York 1927
      1. Continue developing accents and releases
      2. Rehearse transition between rag-time and the blues section
      3. Begin performing full runs
    3. Titanic
      1. Isolate percussion parts in faster passages
      2. Isolate upper woodwind passage with multiple accidentals
      3. Begin performing full runs

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