Sunday, October 19, 2014

Oct. 20-24 Happenings


  • Begin full band rehearsals
  • Define class expectations, goals, and outcomes
  1. Classroom Procedures
    1. Instrument Storage, case, coat, and backpack storage
    2. Classroom expectations
      1. Listen and be respectful
      2. Arrive with all materials
      3. Be prepared to learn and work
      4. Check the board and watch the director
    3. Seating arrangements
    4. Guidelines of conducting, instruments up, cut-offs, posture, and foot tapping
    5. Record Pg. 5 #10
    6. Move to Pg. 6 and rehearse “Notes in Review”
    7. Perform all even numbers on pages 4 and 5


6th Grade

  • Perform full run of Andromeda Overture
  • Determine third piece for concert

  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, #2
  • Chromatic Scale on octave beginning on Concert Bb in eighth notes

  1. Andromeda Overture
    1. Reinforce melody in second half
    2. Reinforce eighth, quarter, eighth rhythms
    3. Isolate low brass part in before D.S.
    4. Begin performing in sections
  2. Christmas Sleigh Ride
    1. Isolate moving eighth note passages in flute and clarinet
    2. Identify and rehearse supporting lines
    3. Perform in sections
7/8th Grade

  • Begin discussing intonation
  • Continue rehearsing Winter Concert Pieces
  • Perform major scales: Concert C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • Perform selected key in thirds
  • One octave Bb chromatic scale in eighth notes
  1. Le Sabre
    1. Isolate dog fight section
    2. Isolate upper woodwinds in B Section
    3. Continue to work to increase tempo
  2. Roswell 1947
    1. Refine opening measures for all parts
    2. Isolate melody with drag triplet
    3. Begin rehearsing slow middle section for chordal balance
  3. Do You Hear What I Hear
    1. Isolate melody and echo passages
    2. Rehearse transition leading into key change


  • Fall Concert
  • Perform full runs of pieces
  • Continue defining phrases/phrasing
  • Selected Major Scales, two daily
  • One major key in thirds
  • One relative-minor
  • Chromatic
  • Selected Bach Chorale
  1. Light Cavalry Overture
    1. Isolate woodwind feature before D.S.
    2. Perform full runs
  2. 1812 Overture
    1. Perform full runs
  3. Down a Country Lane
    1. Continue to work for light legato style with moving lines
    2. Perform full runs

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