Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov. 8-12 Happenings

Middle School

5th Band


  • Rehearse Notes in Review
  • Rehearse on EE pages 8-10
    • Rehearse counting and playing eighth notes with winds and percussion
  • Distribute sheet music for Winter Concert


  1. Notes in Review on EE Pg. 6
    1. Begin playing faster and with varying rhythms

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Begin on Pg. 8 with #27
  2. Play through exercises on pages 8-9
  3. Refresh on Pick-Up notes
  4. Begin playing on Page 10 with eighth notes
  5. Distribute sheet music and begin reading

6th Band


  • Continue rehearsing concert music
  • Perform full runs of pieces, incorporate dynamics
  • Continue rehearsing Major Scales and Chromatic, goal of 3 minutes
  • Select Winter Concert Pieces


  1. Play through EE Pg. 40 Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Ab #1, and 2
    1. Work articulations on number 2 and push tempos
      1. Work to make the second note of the slur short
    2. Play chromatic scale
      1. Goal of 3 minutes for everything including chromatic

Music Rehearsal:

    1. Allow student input on selecting three pieces for Winter Concert
    2. Once pieces have been selected, begin focusing rehearsal on those three pieces
    3. Encourage students to select challenging pieces
      1. Apollo March?
      2. Christmas Decorations?
      3. Variations on a French Carol?
    4. Set goal to have students into book two before Christmas Break

7/8th Band


  • Continue scale rehearsal, goal of 4 minutes
  • Rehearse Winter Concert Music


  1. Play through Concert Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, and G
    1. Continue playing scales in cut-time
  2. Play one major scale in a 3rds pattern
  3. Play Chromatic Scale
  4. Tune

Music Rehearsal:

  1. Copper Mountain Legend
    1. Refine articulations in unison ensemble rhythms
    2. Incorporate appropriate dynamics
    3. Perform full runs of the piece
  2. A Still, Silent Night
    1. Rehearse steady beat to avoid rushing
    2. Continue working the Rall.
    3. Refine intonation
    4. Begin incorporating dynamics
    5. Perform full runs
  3. Deck the Halls With Old Composers
    1. Incorporate more dynamic contrast
    2. Work with Trumpets, Saxes, Clarinets, and Flutes on sixteenth rhythms
    3. Perform full runs
  4. Begin Looking for Pops Concert Pieces
    1. Possibly distribute and read if given time
High School


  • Rehearse Winter Concert Music
  • Rehearse Armed Forces on Parade and Star-Spangled Banner
  • Continue rehearsing major scales
  • Perform at Veteran’s Day Assembly
  • Sectional with Clarinets and Flutes for Trills in Sleigh Ride


  1. Play through all Major Concert Scales
    1. Begin playing scales in cut-time
    2. Goal of all scales in 4 minutes
  2. Play one key in 3rds
  3. Play one relative-minor scale
    1. Natural Minor
    2. Harmonic Minor
  4. Play Chromatic Scale 3x’s


Music Rehearsal:

  1. Sleigh Ride
    1. Rehearse clarinets and alto sax melody between D and E
    2. Rehearse key modulation before the D.S.
    3. Work with trumpets and alto sax at C
    4. Continue incorporating dynamics and explaining markings
    5. Perform full runs
  2. Russian Christmas Music
    1. Refresh on counting in the cut time section
    2. Rehearse from beginning working on appropriate dynamic shaping
    3. Rehearse at 33 having all low saxes play cues with trombone (Cymbal Crash)
    4. Rehearse 56 to 64 isolating individual parts
    5. Rehearse last 6 measures and transition between 74 and 80
  3. In the Christmas Mood
    1. Rehearse measures 4-9, 27-29, 52-55
    2. Begin rehearsing 74 to the end
    3. Perform sections identifying articulation patterns
  4. Armed Forces on Parade and Star-Spangled Banner
    1. Perform Full Runs

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