Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb. 25-Mar. 1 Happenings


  • Continue working on Chromatic
  • Continue work on Concert Bb Scale on EE Pg. 28
  • Select solos
  1. Pg. 12 Tone Builder/Rhythm Etude
  2. Chromatic Scale 
  3. Pg. 28 #147 Concert Bb
  4. Possibly begin working on concert scales on Pg. 40
Music Rehearsal:
  1. BB Rock
    1. Discuss eighth note dotted-quarter rhythm and compare to other variation
      1. Reinforce proper performance of low brass rhythms
      2. Reinforce proper bass drum rhythms at 5
    2. Identify articulations and demonstrate
      1. Eighth note dotted quarter combinations
      2. Review: stacatto and accents
    3. Begin playing in sections and break down with like parts
  2. March Winds
    1. Isolate different sections for rehearsal
    2. Identify melody and supporting parts
    3. Isolate snare solo with Tucker
    4. Incorporate dynamics

Middle School


  • Rehearse EE. Scales
  • Rehearse Concert Pieces
  • EE Pg. 40 Bb, Eb, F, Ab #1, 2
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Espirit
    1. Work with low brass on moving eighth note passages
    2. Begin identifying dynamic contrasts and articulations throughout
    3. Isolate transition into and out of the slow middle section
  2. Canticum
    1. Rehearse transition into 3/4
    2. Rehearse entire slow section and develop musical shaping
    3. Begin adding articulations
  3. A Hero’s Return
    1. Rehearse eighth note passage at tempo change in woodwinds
    2. Reinforce eighth note sixteenth note combinations for counting and performance throughout piece
    3. Rehearse like parts throughout

  • Rehearse major scales
  • Rehearse Concert Pieces
  • Concert Major Scales: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D
  • 3rds
  • Chromatic
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Y.M.C.A
    1. Continue focusing on articulations
    2. Reinforce low brass on background figures
    3. Continue performing full runs and reinforce dynamic changes
  2. Baby Elephant Walk
    1. Isolate flute melody passages and connecting section between first half and measure 60
    2. Continue performing full runs
    3. Isolate fp entrances and auxiliary percussion

High School

  • Rehearse Assorted Key Signatures
  • Rehearse Pops Concert Pieces
  • Trip Money Due
  • Major Scales
  • 3rds in given key
  • Chromatic
  • Bach Chorale 
Music Rehearsal:
      1. Les Miserables
        1. Isolate arpeggios in opening section and bring out low voices
        2. Isolate triplet figures in final section
        3. Continue developing shaping of phrases
      2. Ye Banks and Braes
        1. Begin to incorporate dynamic shaping and balance, establish high points and lows
        2. Isolate ending glissando passage 
      3. Chorale and Shaker Dance
        1. Isolate upper woodwinds on moving passages in second half 
        2. Reinforce syncopated entrances at E for accuracy 
        3. Isolate snare during in cut-time section for proper tempi
        4. Continue performing full runs
      4. Cajun Folk Songs
        1. Re-read as time allows
        2. Have students begin looking over this piece

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