Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dec. 1-5 Happenings


  • Rehearse full page piece for the winter concert
  • Discuss concert expectations and send home concert reminders
  • Rehearse concert program pieces
  1. EE Pg. 6 Notes in Review, adding concert G
  2. Perform in quarter notes and eighth notes
Music Rehearsal:

  1. EE Pg. 5  “Four by Four”
  2. EE Pg. 9 #38 
    1. Reinforce dynamic change at the end
  3. Distribute St. Nick’s on the Housetop
    1. Set goal to have all notes down by return next week
    2. Explain multiple-measure rests and counting
    3. Rehearse in sections

6th Grade

  • Improve rhythmic execution of Winter Concert Pieces
  • Perform full runs of all pieces adding dynamic changes
  1. EE Pg. 40 #1, 2 in all four keys
  2. Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Andromeda Overture
    1. Isolate passage with tied rhythms before B section begins
    2. Isolate passage with syncopated snare drum rolls
    3. Perform full runs
  2. March Zuma
    1. Reinforce the trumpet and trombone melody in the second strain
    2. Possibly determine a cut
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Christmas Sleigh Ride
    1. Isolate clarinets for rhythmic accuracy, especially in clarinet 2
    2. Reinforce dynamic changes throughout
    3. Perform full runs
7/8th Grade

  • Develop phrasing and dynamics of Winter Concert Pieces
  • Perform full runs
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Perform 3rds in an additional key
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:

  1. Roswell 1947
    1. Isolate transitions to improve tempos in new sections
    2. Perform full runs
  2. Do You Hear What I Hear
    1. Continue to develop balance among voices throughout
    2. Isolate sections for dynamic contrast
    3. Perform full runs
  3. Le Sabre
    1. Isolate trumpets in muted section
    2. Work to bring out clarinet and flute in B section
    3. Perform full runs

  • Develop phrasing of Winter Concert Pieces
  • Perform full runs 
  • Prep for first Pep Band and Holiday Stroll
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Relative minor and 3rds in selected keys
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
  4. Selected Bach Chorale
Music Rehearsal:

  1. Trombone King
    1. Isolate upper woodwinds in moving sixteenth passages to develop speed
    2. Continue to develop dynamic contrast
  2. Russian Christmas Music
    1. Isolate closing section for proper release on last note with grace notes in WW
    2. Rehearse sections through transitions to develop smooth transitions
    3. Develop style in trombone transition
    4. Perform full runs
  3. A Childhood Hymn
    1. Continue working to develop proper balance among all voices at various dynamics
    2. Reinforce tenuto sections with rubato
    3. Rehearse piano entrance on final fermata
    4. Perform full runs

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