Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jan. 12-16 Happenings

Our last week of crazy winter weather is behind us and we can now begin our first week back from break.


  • Continue full band selections
  • Discuss objectives for the next few months
  1. EE Pg. 12 Tone Builder and Rhythm Etude
Music Rehearsal:

  1. EE Pg. 12 begin selections
    1. Frere Jaques
    2. When the Saints
    3. Old MacDonald
    4. Ode to Joy
    5. Hard Rock Blues
Middle School

6th Grade

  • Discuss goals for the rest of year
  • Begin reading new music
  1. EE Pg. 40 #1, 2 in all four keys
  2. Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
  1. March Zuma
    1. Begin isolating sixteenth note rhythms
    2. Identify form
  2. Distribute new pieces and read
7/8th Grade

  • Continue reading possible Pops Music
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Perform 3rds in an additional key
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:

  1. Superman Theme
    1. Rehearse 4/4 section for rhythmic accuracy
    2. Listen to recording of original
  2. Defying Gravity
    1. Distribute and read through
  3. Possibly distribute and read Jurassic Park
High School

  • Rehearse Pops Music
  • Pep Band Friday, rehearse with Dance Team
  • Begin reading new pep band pieces
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Relative minor and 3rds in selected keys
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
  4. Selected Bach Chorale
Music Rehearsal:

  1. I Got You
    1. Perform with Dance Team to finalize tempo and start/stop
  2. Mary Poppins
    1. Begin rehearsing in sections
    2. Isolate the moving sixteenth passage at the end/closing section
  3. Mission Impossible Theme
    1. Distribute and read through
  4. Sinatra!
    1. Distribute and read through
    2. Distribute all needed mutes
  5. Shenandoah
    1. Distribute and read through
  6. Don’t Stop Believing
    1. Distribute and read through

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