Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mar. 30-Apr. 3 Happenings


  • Rehearse solos with ensemble time
  • Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
  • Begin Solo Spotlight
  1. Bb Major Scale on Pg. 28 #147
  2. Rehearse Full Chromatic Scale from Concert Bb to Concert Bb
    1. Eighth Notes
Music Rehearsal:

  1. Use ensemble time to rehearse individually on solos
    1. goal for each student to play two full runs during the time 
    2. use remaining time to isolate problem areas with their playing
  2. The Lost City
    1. Isolate individual parts in independent areas
    2. Attempt full run

6th Grade

  • Rehearse Spring Concert Pieces
  • Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
  • Begin Solo Spotlight
  1. EE Pg. 40 #1, 2 in all four keys
  2. Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Chant and Tribal Dance
    1. continue working to incorporate accents into performances
    2. Continue to isolate dynamics, especially crescendos
    3. Rehearse transition between opening and fast tempo
  2. Korean Folk Rhapsody
    1. Isolate tempo changes in final section of the piece to build visual communication to avoid rushing
    2. Isolate full percussion sections for accuracy and balance
    3. Begin performing in large sections, identifying different tempi
  3. March Zuma
    1. Rehearse sections focusing on dynamic changes in each
    2. Continue performing in sections, working to increase tempo
  4. Sea Songs
    1. Re-read and begin rehearsing in sections identifying dynamic changes throughout
7/8th Grade

  • Rehearse Spring Concert Pieces
  • Reinforce Accompanist Schedule
  • Begin Solo Spotlight
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Perform 3rds in an additional key
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
Music Rehearsal:
  1. Tribute and Triumph
    1. Begin working to build tempo without rushing
    2. Identify the use of accents within the fanfare section
    3. Begin working on balance among voices in the slow middle section
  2. Reflections
    1. Isolate the melody and discuss proper style needed with its performance
    2. Identify counter-lines throughout the piece and shape them with the melody
    3. Begin performing in sections
  3. 6/8 March
    1. Identify the melody and counter-melody throughout
    2. Isolate supporting voices and incorporate shaping into their lines

  • Rehearse Fine Arts Music
  • Reinforce upcoming Accompanists Lesson Schedule
  1. Two selected major scales
  2. Relative minor and 3rds in selected keys
  3. One Octave Bb Chromatic Scale
  4. Selected Bach Chorale
Music Rehearsal:

  1. Explorations
    1. Ensure snare is incorporating all written accents in the fast section
    2. Work to make sure supporting lines aren’t accenting beat four
    3. Isolate upper-woodwind section at 40 for rhythmic accuracy
    4. Isolate transitions and rehearse tempo changes together, focusing on communication
  2. Balladair
    1. Perform full runs for mental and physical endurance
    2. Continue to develop smooth legato style throughout
  3. The Blue and the Grey
    1. Isolate Battle Hymn of the Republic for rhythmic accuracy in the upper woodwinds
    2. Discuss the style change that occurs at Aura Lee and begin incorporating that into the performance

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